As an “on/off” dieter, the main thing Sam taught me, was an under­stand­ing of food and what my body needed, why I felt hun­gry and why I was not los­ing weight. Even­tu­ally with her help and advice she has changed my atti­tude and rela­tion­ship with food.  Sam made me feel very com­fort­able and at ease and I am extremely grate­ful for her time and advice”.  Jane, Watford.

I went to see Saman­tha for one par­tic­u­lar prob­lem and came out incred­i­bly well informed about many areas of my diet and health which I wasn’t expect­ing her to cover. She was extremely thor­ough and knowl­edge­able and with her guid­ance I felt inspired to take her sug­ges­tions on board and pay much more atten­tion to all aspects of nutri­tion in my life. Very infor­ma­tive and edu­ca­tional and well worth the money”. Sam, Finch­ley.

After suf­fer­ing for months with a bloated uncom­fort­able stom­ach, I sought advice/help from Sam. She was very knowl­edge­able and after a cou­ple of ses­sions and being edu­cated on diet/what was hap­pen­ing to my body, things started to improve.  After 3 months I was cured and I’m very appre­cia­tive of her advice and help. I’d have no hes­i­ta­tion in rec­om­mend­ing Sam to friends and col­leagues”. Tracy, Sur­rey

What I liked about it was that your advice was really prac­ti­cal and real­is­tic and meant I could make small changes that I could stick to long-term that made a big dif­fer­ence. You lis­tened to and tai­lored your advice around me, my lifestyle and my per­son­al­ity so that changes made sense and were achiev­able”. Rebecca, Lon­don.

I went to see Sam Josephs to get a han­dle on my health and remind me of all the things I felt I should have remem­bered from school biol­ogy classes about nutri­tion! I found her to be a wealth of knowl­edge and insight into the world of nutri­tion. Her approach is very infor­ma­tive and inspir­ing and it’s clear just how pas­sion­ate she is about her sub­ject. She is thor­ough and up-beat and able to adapt to any health issue you might bring. I enjoyed see­ing her and found it to be an uplift­ing and empow­er­ing expe­ri­ence. The knowl­edge I gained from her really helped me to go for­ward and become more bal­anced on the inside”. Liesl, Muswell Hill.