So that I can really get to know you, and so you can get the most out of your appoint­ment there is a ques­tion­naire to com­plete which details your health con­cerns, fam­ily his­tory, lifestyle, cur­rent med­ical condition/medication etc. A food diary will also need to be completed.

We begin with an Ini­tial Assess­ment dur­ing which we dis­cuss your main health con­cerns and any other under­ly­ing symp­toms. You will be given a strat­egy to enable you to move for­ward imme­di­ately in address­ing these issues, and if nec­es­sary I may rec­om­mend one or more diag­nos­tic lab­o­ra­tory tests.

The First Con­sul­ta­tion will take place once results of any diag­nos­tic tests are in, and it is then that you will be given your tailor-made nutri­tional pro­to­col includ­ing menu plans, shop­ping lists and recipes as well as prac­ti­cal cook­ery ses­sions and/or nutri­tional sup­ple­ments if required. The rec­om­men­da­tions will be agreed by your­self, and reflect your per­sonal likes and dis­likes and any lifestyle limitations.

Fur­ther Follow-up Con­sul­ta­tions are then arranged to meet your own indi­vid­ual level of required sup­port and charged by the hour.

I offer con­sul­ta­tions both in per­son in my North Lon­don prac­tise, or via video con­fer­enc­ing if you are based out­side of Lon­don or the UK.