Wel­come to Nutri­tion­ista — good food and good health combined!

Eat­ing health­ily doesn’t nec­es­sar­ily mean you have to give up all the foods you love. At Nutri­tion­ista our aim is to make peo­ple healthy — and happy. We have a pas­sion for deli­cious and tasty food which is just as strong as our desire for good health.

In a world fast becom­ing sat­u­rated with an array of fad diets, super­foods, addi­tives, organic pro­duce — and where terms such as ‘antiox­i­dants’, ‘trans fats’, ‘good bac­te­ria’ are con­stantly bandied around but rarely explained, Nutri­tion­ista aims to offer Fresh Advice. Of course we’ll tell you to eat more fruit and veg­eta­bles and show you how a healthy diet can com­pen­sate for the the effects of this fast-paced, hi-tech world we live in, but we will also inspire you with meal plans, shop­ping lists and recipes to make all the good changes easy for you.

Con­tact the North Lon­don prac­tise today to find out how Nutri­tion­ista can ben­e­fit you.